Thursday, April 8, 2010


Well lets see... Paige's surgery went amazing.  She had surgery on a thursday and was up and running that following friday.  Oh to heal as fast at a child! 

We have been doing a lot of work outside lately.  My hopes every year is to have a better yard and garden than my last!  This year is already starting off better!  We build a pergola out back for our grape vines, when the grapes start growing they are going to look amazing!  We also just planted a bunch of hops plants we obtained from my cousin Scott's house.  I am very excited to see if anything comes from them this year... I'm not gonna hold my breath, but I hope they at least survive the transplant!  We are hoping it warms up soon, we have lots of plants to plant out in our garden and I reeeeally want to get 'em in the ground.  I guess we can't rush mother nature!

Paige just recently obtained a new "friend."  His name is George.  He's a rat.  Yes a rat.  He as become her new bestest buddy, she walks around with him on her shoulder like its a normal everyday thing to have a rat on your shoulder.  He is a very sweet little guy and is growing very fast.  Well I hope to post again soon.  But we will talk with you all soon! :)