Here’s one of my favorite offers! You can grab 140 Free Address Labels for just the cost of Shipping from Vistaprint. My favorite way to use these labels is as name tags for all of my kids belongings.
I put these on Paper Lunch Sacks and send them with snacks, label plastic bags of crayons and so much more! These aren’t waterproof but you can use them for just about anything else. I’ve even labeled toys before the kids took them to church or I put them in the Diaper Bag. It only costs around $3 to get these shipped which is a great price for Address & Name Labels!
You can create one of Hundreds of Designs, Plus you can even click on Advanced Editing and create your own style. I moved the text around, changed the fonts and added extra text on the designs above! It’s so much fun to customize these and it doesn’t cost any extra to make any of those changes!
Click Here to Design Your 140 Free Address Labels!