Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Salvation Army: The change in my purse!!!

I ran down to the Salvation Army today on my lunch break to see if I could find some inexpensive curtain rods.  No luck with that endeavor, but I did find some very cute decorative items for only $1.15 (the change in my purse!). All items had some sort of % off, so all the marked prices were more than I actually paid!!!

This little guy, beautiful teal/turquoise glazed candle holder, had a horribly ugly vase that went with it, the set was marked at $1.00.  I asked if I could only purchase the candle holder and the wonderful checker was more than amicable. After the tagged % off, purchase price: $.25

This cute little plate will look fantastic on my shelves at home... Can not wait to put it up!  Marked price: $.30,  After the tagged % off, purchase price: $.15
Now these, I am really excited about!  These were marked $.50 each so a total of $1.00.  They are ugly brown, but I am going to paint them white and antique them up a bit! After the tagged % off, purchase price: $.75
For a total purchase for all of them: $1.15!!! What a steal! hehehehehe  Can not wait to get home and do some more crafts!!! 

~ Leslie ~