Thursday, October 27, 2011

Paige Rene turns 5!

Paige is officially the big 5 today!!!
 So, the first thing she says to me this morning, "Momma, I turned 5!"  As if this is something magical that happens over night!  :D

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding things you can ever experience.  How we live our lives is a direct correlation as to how these little people are molded into the fantastic people they will grow up to be; and frankly, I couldn't have ask for a more amazing, funny, beautiful little girl. I know we have a long road ahead of us for growing, fighting and laughing.  But I am ready for this opportunity and will take it in full stride!  

Paige Rene Gard, you are my life and I love ever piece of you, I am proud of who you are and the little person you have become.
Love you muches big girl!